

Innovative, inspiring, challenging and visually unique – new magazine by Plastic Media, is writing new chapters in contemporary print media, covering subjects as „Design – travel – car industry “, always outside the box of usual stereotypes and conventional takes. Magazine is published in Austria, and in his first edition there was an article about Sarajevo art scene.

In this piece we presented founders of the brand Molimao and the way we deal with Sarajevo and working inside the city, and beside us, many other artists and entrepreneurs presented themselves. Design wasn’t the only subject covered, there was also film and inevitable Sarajevo Film Festival, photography which was explained by Bojan Stojčić, and there was also bit about events that form this city.

What makes us happy is that indie magazines like Chapter, recognizes scenes and areas where there is a lot of talent, and they are giving them a platform to present themselves to other parts of the world, with its knowledge and products.

Molimao was super happy to be a part of this piece for Chapter Magazine.

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